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Global Overview Report



For a limited time gasworld Business Intelligence have a presale offer on The Global Overview Report 2022. You can save $1,000 if you purchase the report before August 31st 2023*.

The report provides global perspective of the industrial gases market in 2022, looking at the market size in revenue terms; YoY growth by region; gas company activity; market splits by supply mode, gas type, and end-user; then a three-scenario forecast ahead for the next five years, up to 2027. A “data dashboard” for each section shows four pie charts illustrating the market split by gas company, supply mode, gas type and end-user.

Key features

  • Industrial gas market analysis covering the entire world; first from a global perspective and then for nine macro-regions: West Europe, East Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa, South Asia, North Pacific Rim, South Pacific Rim
  • First globally and then for each region: an evaluation of the major gas companies business operations helps you to understand where each company operates and where they stand against the competitors – looking at their respective shares of the market, acquisitions, divestments, subsidiaries, new production facilities
  • Data dashboards for each region provide an ‘at-a-glance’ picture of how the gas market is split up by gas company, supply mode, gas type and end-user
  • A three-scenario (low, mid and high) five-year forecast helps you understand how we believe the market will grow in the years ahead
  • The New Project Activity tables show what major additions to capacity there is to come around the world

Why this report?

  • Gives you a comprehensive understanding of the global gases market
  • Gain a competitive advantage in the current climate
  • In-depth analysis that helps you make informed and effective decisions
  • Can help back up claims when negotiating

Due to be published and ready for distribution: September 2023

Report Data: 2022

(*From September 1st the price to purchase this report will revert to the standard price of $4950.)

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